Saturday, April 22, 2017

Take a Stand with reasons

"People should not ban zoos!'

There are many ideas about zoos that they should be banned or not.
I personally think that people should not ban zoos.

First, zoos protect endangered animals. There are many animals that have become endangered due to extreme hunting practices. Zoos provide safe place to rehabilitate potentially lost species and preserve to future generations. Animals are very well treated and live much longer than they would in the wild. Animals in the zoos are taken special care and keepers have long term species survival plan and work with each other. Without zoos caring, they would have long ago become extinct.

Second, it is a great place for families to go to. Where else would you see a giraffe or elephant?
People can see animals up close that they wouldn't normally see. It is fun and safe place for kids and a good for animals, too. Amazing animals deserved to be recognized, not hidden in the nature. Zoos attract a lot of visitors. Zoos have positive effects on the economy in their community. Economic issues are also important in terms of protecting animals.

Lastly, there are educational benefits. It is an excellent place for children to learn  and study different animals that live in certain parts of the world. People can see rare and wild animals and gave us amazing experiences. Zoos are vital educational tool and educate people and help breed species. They boost educational experiences by giving children hands on experiences. Also, it raises awareness of endangered species and importance of conservation. Zoos help people appreciate the beauty of nature and the world.

Therefore, we should not ban zoos.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Gender questions

Q1 : Did your parents treat their sons and daughters differently?
If you have children, do/will you treat your sons differently from your daughters? How so?
A1 : I have a younger brother. I think my parents treat me and my brother differently in some occasion. Since I am female, my mother didn't let me stay late when I'm out hanging out with my friends. Mom still worries about me. My parents think it's dangerous. Society changes and there are more crimes than the past. On the other hand, they don't really care what time my brother comes home. I understand why they treated me differently. I think I will do the same if I have a daughter.

Q2 : Are there certain jobs that you think men or women are better able to do?

A2 : I think there are certain jobs that men or women are better to do. Men are better with strong jobs that need physical labor. For example, men can do some delivery works or work in the moving center. Men are good at driving so they can work something that related to driving. Women don't have power as men do but they are better at different things. Women are likely to be more delicate and sensitive so they are good at organizing or making something with their hands.